Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Mortgage Services of An Appraiser To The Lender-How beneficial?

Your bank or mortgage lender needs the important mortgage service provided by an appraiser and this article explains why.

Appraisals are a necessity when buying a home in order not to pay above the actual market value. It is an important mortgage service
Some may think their saving themselves some cost by avoiding their services but this is not the case.

You may actually pay above the market value and this overpayment will in most instances be far above what ever the appraiser will have charge. Penny wise, pound foolish.

Thankfully however, most lenders demand that homes must be appraised before loans can be granted. This is good. So most times, overpaying is avoided.

Once your intended home as been appraised, this will assist the lenders in a long way in deciding whether to lend or not.

If the house is appraised above your intended purchase price, this is great. Perhaps you can flip once payment is made!
But what if the appraised value is lower than the intended amount? Your lender will not extend funds at this stage and it is only wise.

If in the event of a foreclosure, the lenders losses will steep as the property will overvalued already when purchased. This is where the value of the mortgage service performed by the appraiser is then cherished.

You will have to negotiate a reduction in price with the seller. If the seller agrees to a lowering of the price, then that is great.

In a situation where the seller sticks to his guns, and we know it does happen you might have to seek alternatives.

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